Fagan Family Farm
Jamie's Farmhouse Corner
5 Reasons to LOVE Raw Milk
You might be asking what is raw milk? Raw milk is unprocessed milk. That means our milk has not been pasteurized (heated) and the butterfat has not been broken up (homogenized). Our milk contains all the nutrients to keep you healthy. Nothing has been added or taken away from the milk, which is one of the many reasons to love raw milk.
When it is cold outside, one of our favorite things to make on the Fagan Farm is hot chocolate. Find our recipe here.
One of our favorite corn recipes is Corn Pudding. This is Betty Fagan's (my husband's grandma) recipe. She would not only make it for her family, but she would take it to church pitch-ins and we would also enjoy it with our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.
A delicious spring breakfast dish that is easy to make, and it gives you a variety of real foods that not only taste fabulous together but are healthy for you too.
Treat your family to the Hoosier state pie: Sugar Cream Pie. The sugar cream pie is said to be originated by Quakers in the early 1800's of Eastern Indiana.
If you will be having overnight company during the holidays or you are looking for something different to feed your family, you may want to consider this hearty casserole that you can prepare the night before.
Farm fresh milk and eggs make the best biscuits and gravy. It is a quick cheap meal to make for your family and it is very filling.
Are you wondering if there is any real difference between raw and pasteurized milk? After researching about it for my own family, I can tell you that there is a Big distinction between raw and pasteurized milk.
I like serving these beef sandwiches because it can feed a lot of people, it is filling, easy to make, tastes good, and you can always freeze any leftover meat.