Fagan Family Farm

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Corn Pudding

One of the best things about summer is sweet corn! Our family loves it so much that we plant lots of it in the field with the corn planter.  It is a lot of work picking, shucking and freezing the corn for winter, but it is so worth it. We usually try to put up 100-quart bags of corn in our freezer to feed our family through the year. 

One of our favorite corn recipes is Corn Pudding. This is Betty Fagan's (my husband's grandma) recipe. She would not only make it for her family, but she would take it to church pitch-ins and we would also enjoy it with our Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. It is really easy and quick to throw together and you can even mix it up ahead and bake it later.



2 farm fresh eggs, beaten

2 Tb. sugar

3 Tb. flour

1 tsp. salt


1 1/2 cups farm fresh milk

1 package of sweet corn

Mix together and place pats of butter on top. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.

I hope you enjoy it as much as our family does!
